The Pastoral Council is a group of parish members that serves as a consultative body to the pastor. It brings together the visions, hopes and needs of the congregation and translates them into parish planning. The Pastoral Council also serves as a bridge between the many groups and committees that operate within our parishes.
The Finance Council is comprised of active parish members acting in an advisory capacity to the Pastor, Pastoral Council and staff in the administration of the resources of the parish. The Finance Council oversees all financial and administrative operations of the parish including the budget, normal operating expenses, capital repairs and improvements and plans for the long term stability of the parish.
Parish women who gather together to socialize, pray, and help the parish, under the patronage of Our Lady of the Rosary. Members meet the first Sunday of the month from September through May. For more information, please contact the Holy Rosary Society's President, Mrs. Sandy Koch at 412-486-5983.
When the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France, Her one request to the world was that Her Rosary be said for peace. All She asks is that we "Pray the Rosary". Here at St. Nicholas, the Holy Rosary is said a half an hour before mass.
Our Ladies of Charity visit the elderly, the sick and shut-ins, send get well cards, and coordinate the annual Anointing Mass. We deliver gifts to our shut-ins around the holidays such as mums for Thanksgiving, small fruit baskets in the spring, a potted summer flower, a sleigh at Christmas, and other crafts we assemble. We are also a part of the Senior Outreach program started by Pastoral Associate, Mary Swindal. We sponsor various drives for the needy and homeless. We’ve done sock drives during Lent, diaper drives, a blood drive, backpack drives for Food Bank families and also for Providence Connections on the North Side, Baby Bottle campaign, coats and clothes for the homeless and snacks for Catholic Charities Warming Center located downtown. In 2016 we won grant money from National Ladies of Charity and used the money to conduct a cooking demo/class with food bank recipients to show them how to make a complete meal from their food bank items. We visit personal care homes and conducted an Oktoberfest celebration at St. Mary’s Court Yard with a sing-along and brought snacks for the residents. Our ladies accompany St. Vincent DePaul men on their home visits
For more information, please call the parish office at 412-821-3438.
Ushers are Ministers of Hospitality who welcome people when they arrive and are attentive to the needs of children, the elderly and those with special needs. They are men and women who provide assistance to help ensure that everyone can participate in the liturgy with a minimum of distraction. They also take up the collection, arrange for the gifts to the taken at the Offertory Procession, distribute bulletins and ensure that the lines to Communion flow with ease. New ushers are always needed. Please contact the parish office who will put you in touch with an usher representative.
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion serve the Eucharistic Life of the Christian community. They are appointed by the pastor, with the permission of the bishop, to assist the ordinary ministers (bishop, priest, deacon) in sharing the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ with members of the community for which they are commissioned. Eucharistic ministers may be entrusted with the ministry of taking the sacrament to the sick and absent members who are at home or in a health care facility. To inquire about this ministry, please contact the parish office.
The Liturgical Reader serves the members of the liturgical assembly by proclaiming texts of sacred scripture during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Lectors are faithful to their scheduled assignments and are vigilant and helping in ensuring that all services are adequately served with this ministry. Lectors need to be baptized Catholics and of age to have the necessary skills and sufficient maturity to perform the ministry. To inquire about this ministry, please contact the parish office.
The role of the server is integral to the celebration of the Mass by assisting the priest. The ministry is open to both males and females in 3rd grade and up, and adults. Training is provided. Please contact the parish office at 412-821-3438.
Religious education is provided to students in grades 1-8, including sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation. The CCD program consists primarily of volunteers. CCD classes are held on Sunday Mornings from September through April for Catholic education of students in kindergarten through 8th grade who attend public school. Volunteers are always needed to teach or to be aides. You do not have to have a background in education, although certification classes to teach CCD are offered at different times throughout the year at various parishes. Contact Mary Ann Dank at 412-320-1253.
Each Sunday, a group of parish volunteers assemble to count the donations placed in the weekend's collections and prepare them for deposit. To get involved, please contact the parish office at 412-821-3438.
This group serves the poorest of the poor and has been in Millvale since 1940. They respond in a confidential manner to anyone's call for assistance with food vouchers or donated goods. At Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter they deliver groceries to individual homes and Millvale's nursing homes. Brightening the faces of children of needy families and residents of nursing homes is one of the goals of the Society.
The Society has received good financial support from the Parish poor boxes but they are in a serious need of more active members. The small groups needs to expand to effectively serve the needy.